Hello. My name is Hells and I’m dyslexic…
but damn do I love a good book!
In my last year at art school I began making my own Tart Cards. For anyone who doesn’t know what a Tart Card is, it’s a small, post-card-sized piece of paper that prostitutes put in telephone boxes to advertise their services. Before you go there, no I was not making tart cards to advertise my career change to becoming a hooker. I made cards that, instead of advertising girl’s sexual “talents” they advertised their intellect and expertise in whatever field they worked in. Peep my cards below: So, obviously while doing this project I came to learn a lot about the origins of Tart Cards in London (because yes, they are unique to LDN). It wasn’t until a month after said project was finished that I came across the most perfect book on the subject: “Tart Cards: London’s Illicit Advertising Art” by Caroline Archer & Mark Batty. I know right? Sod’s law that I scrawl the internet, books and documents to try to get as much info on TCs and just when I don’t need it no more, I find this gem in the book shop opposite my office! Regardless, I got the book. Firstly because it was only £6, and secondly because I have a true, deep love of Tart Cards, and this book has everything you will ever want to know about them. Plus, a lot of information about the dark underworld of the London sex-scene; it’s history, origins, techniques, doggy dealings, the lot!

Buy & enjoy here. xx
What an amazing book!