When you spend so much time on the internet looking for content/inspiration, it’s unfortunate that you’ll have to trawl through hundreds of “fashion blogs” written by kids who are usually younger than you, have more money than you, and more followers. Now, I’m not usually one to hate (why are you laughing…?!), but I’ve been silent about this new breed of androids for long enough. One thing I just don’t understand is this shy, coy, awkward body language that fashion bloggers seem to adopt. The simple fact that you spend your days photographing EVERY outfit you wear screams that you are anything but shy and awkward about yourself. If your blog is named after you, and the majority of your posts include you, then sweetheart, you are not a shy little wallflower. Call me old fashioned (because I damn well am!), but what the hell is going on with boys fashion on these blogs?! Don’t get me wrong, the girls’ fashions are no better, but I can’t even be bothered to get in to that now… I don’t know when boys changed from dressing like normal people, to dressing like a cross between Kanye West and Edward Scissorhands (…just not half as sexy!). I have never had a wet dream (or even wanted to see) a boy in jeans that are skinnier than the leggings I’m wearing and tops that are baggier than the plus size section in New Look. It just doesn’t do it for me.Now, let’s all be honest, the kids who run these blogs seem to go to the “cool” parties, have the newest “fashion items”, and an expensive camera to document it all with. So where do you think all this stuff comes from? I’m guessing by their perfectly manicured (but intentionally chipped) nails and their pre-worn, vintage, new clothes, that they have never done a day’s work in their lives. So, either they are making thousands of £££ through their blogging skills (ahem….) or they have a special bank that not many of us are lucky enough to have. The Bank of Mum & Dad. I’m not against kids who get money off their parents, hey, if you can go for it! But if that is the case, why the hell are these kids so intent on looking like they’re so hard up that they have to resort to looting Oxfam?! This world of fashion bloggers is not one I want to ever be involved in, and I’m getting pretty tired of seeing photos of kids who just don’t resemble anything that I find remotely interesting. Where the hell are all the old hip hop kids? The country girls? The lives-in-the-real-world-works-a-9-to-5-grafts-for-a-living-dresses-normally-honeys??? I’m sick of it.Rant over.
4 thoughts on “Fashion Blogs / Bloggers”
wow! i cannot say anything, just wow! great writing skills.. <3
wow! i cannot say anything, just wow! great writing skills.. <3
–jena http://fashiondiy101.wordpress.com/
have you ever seen http://www.manrepeller.com/ this girl is a brilliant fashion blogger, mainly i just love the idea of her blog! x x
I really like your writing. Do you write anywhere else that I can see? This piece is great!
Please, tell me, who are these girls on the last photo??